
Talk to me , will you ? ♥小Ning

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2A2`10, continue to rock on! (Y)

Last day of school tomorrow. I'm so gonna miss my friends, 2A2 & all th fun we have. Th memories we had had been kept in my heart. I will take good care of th memories. You guys too alrights? Take good care of yourselves, meet up sometimes. Though th results ain't out yet, but we know it ourselves that we will surely be in th different class. But no matter which class we are in, we will still keep in contact right? Never let 2A2's name be washed away because it's precious. Not only me but EVERYONE in th class. Th laughter you guys had given me is really sweet, th tears you guys had given me is really sour, th anger you guys had given me is really bitter & th disappointments you guys had given me is really spicy too. So, this has proven that I have been through sour, sweet, bitter & spicy with you guys. You guys really rock my world. Able to meet you all is my fortune. Without you guys, I can't imagine how my life would be. People may think I'm crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy because we just split class & not th end of th world but I really can't bear to be separated with you guys. This time round, it's a total different from primary school because we changed class every year. But fr Secondary school, we stay together as a class fr 2 years. 2 years. It may seems long fr outsiders, but sadly enough, it's considered short fr me. I just realized we didn't cherish those opportunity when we can really bond as a class & stay unite fr once. Until th end of term thn we start to unite as a class. Though it's a bit late but at least we enjoyed ourselves & cherish everyone in th class. imissyouguys.>:

Appreciation to every single one of you in 2A2 :
Dear members of 2A2`10, I, Cheryl Lor Wan Ning wanna thank you wholeheartedly. You guys never fail to bring a smile to my face. My laughter is always heard in th class is because you guys brought joy into th class fr me to laugh. Th memories you guys had given me fr th past 1 year 10 months is simply sweet, sour, bitter & spicy. But I like it! xD Hehe. Continue to rock on alrights? No matter which class we are in next year, our hearts connects as one. We are th clouds, Mr Lim's th Sun & Mrs Wong's th Moon. Non of us should be left out because our class is made up of 17Girls & 23Boys. That makes up 40Boys & Girls in th class. We are equally important because without cloud, th world will be a hotter place in th Afternoon & cooler place in th Night. Thanks fr leaving such a wonderful memory fr me. I will keep it properly. Let's all just enjoy ourselves tomorrow with photo takings & that marks th end of our Secondary 2 life. It started with a bit sour & bitter but it ended with sweetness. :D iloveyouguys!

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